Ash-Leaved Maple "Flamingo"
Acer negundo 'Flamingo'
Ash-leaved maple (also known as boxelder) is a small tree or shrub. Height 5-7 m, width 4-6 m. It has a wide hemispherical crown. It is a fast-growing, 25-30 cm high and 20 cm wide. The leaves are odd pinnate, consisting of 5 to 7 pointed leaflets. They are gray-green and white to pinkish-white. The flowers are pale yellow. Maple blooms in March-April. The five or seven lobed leaves of the foliage are covered with white-pink spots. When they bloom, they have a light green color, then pale pink-white stripes appear on them.
Full sun lover, but grows better in partial shade. Not demanding on soil, but prefers fertile, loose, sufficiently moist soil. Frost-hardy.