Royal Frost Birch
Betula pendula 'Royal Frost'
Betula pendula 'Royal Frost' - deciduous, vertically growing tree, with about 9 m in the height, and with pyramidal crown about 5 m in diameter. The growth rate is medium. The annual growth is about 40 cm.
Leaves are rhombic, pointed. They are clammy at young age, the older - naked and shiny. The combination of burgundy-purple color of the leaves with glossy surface and the white bark gives the special decorative effect.
It blooms in April. Flowers are inflorescences of catkins of green-yellow color, which are located at the ends of twigs. The fruits are small, elliptical, winged nuts that ripen in late summer. Prefer full sun. Wind-firm. Undemanding to soil conditions, it can grow on soils of different composition, density and acidity.
It requires regular, abundant watering. High frost-hardy. Drought resistant and enough salt tolerant. It is sensitive to the compaction of the soil.
See Also
Accolade Japanese Cherry
Prunus serrulata 'Accolade'Aphrodite Magnolia
Magnolia "Aphrodite"Ash-Leaved Maple "Flamingo"
Acer negundo 'Flamingo'Autumn Moon Maple
Acer shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon'Avondale Chinese Redbud
Cercis chinensis 'Avondale'Bigleaf Magnolia Ashei
Magnolia macrophylla asheiBrioti Red Horse Chestnut
Aesculus × carnea 'Briotii'Camperdown Elm
Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii'- New
Carpinus betulus 'Lucas'
Carpinus betulus 'Lucas' Chinese Kousa Dogwood
Cornus kousa var. chinensisCleopatra Saucer Magnolia
Magnolia × soulangeana 'Cleopatra'Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Sangokaku'